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Scholarship Program

QICSS Scholarships

From its inception, one of the core missions of the QICSS has been to support the next generation of researchers. To this end, the QICSS Scholarship Program provides financial support to Master's and PhD students who utilize datasets from Statistics Canada or the Institut de la statistique du Québec in the QICSS laboratories.

The program offers three categories of scholarships:

  1. Entrance Scholarships: These scholarships support research conducted at QICSS for the purpose of obtaining a Master’s or PhD degree.
  2. Complementary Grants for Intensive Data Analysis: These grants provide financial support at the end of the Master's program to assist students in the final stages of writing and analysis.
  3. Grants for Student Research Outcomes: These grants encourage students to disseminate their research findings through presentations at conferences or symposia, or by publishing articles in scientific journals.

These scholarships are available to students throughout the year, and applications can be submitted at any time. The total amount of scholarships cannot exceed $4000 for Master's students and $6000 for PhD students.

To apply for any of our scholarships, please complete the online application form.

Entrance Scholarships


To provide financial support upon obtaining access to data in order to encourage the completion of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time students enrolled in an MA or Ph.D. program at one of the QICSS member institutions;
  • Access to data for the completion of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation.

Award Amounts

  • MA student: $1000
  • Ph.D. student: $2000

Grants will be paid in a single installment after the contract is signed by Statistics Canada or by l’Institut de la statistique du Québec.

Submission Procedure

To apply for one of the grants available through the CIQSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to include the following documents:

  • A certificate of full-time enrollment from a CIQSS member university;
  • A letter from the research supervisor certifying that access to data has been granted for the completion of a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation.

** It is recommended to submit a scholarship application at the beginning of the academic journey of the 2nd or 3rd cycle **

** The new conditions of the Entrance Scholarships will be applicable as of February 15, 2024 **

Grants for Students Research Outcomes


To provide financial support to students for the presentation of their research results in the form of presentations at conferences or symposia, or through articles in scientific journals.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time enrollment in a Master’s or Ph.D. program at a QICSS member university
  • Publication of a text or presentation based on research findings from a project conducted at QICSS as part of a Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation

Award Amounts

  • The amount varies according to the type of scientific production:
    • Article in a refereed scientific journal: $700
    • Book chapter in a scientific publication: $700
    • Paper published in a "working paper" series: $300
    • Oral presentation or poster given at a refereed scientific conference or symposium: $300
    • Research report produced for a government agency or other organization: $500

Maximum Amounts

  • Master’s student: one grant up to a maximum of $1000
  • Ph.D. student: up to two grants of $2000 each

Submission Procedure

To apply for one of the grants available through the QICSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to provide the following documents:

  • A certificate of full-time enrollment from a QICSS member university for the current semester at the time of application
  • A letter from the research supervisor certifying that access to data has been granted for the completion of a Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation
  • A list of all scientific productions with proof of acceptance for publication (letter from the editor) or presentation (conference program), if applicable

** The new conditions for the Grants for Student Research Outcomes are applicable as of June 28, 2024 **

Complementary grants for intensive analysis in completing a master's thesis


  • To provide financial support at the end of the master's program to assist students in the final stages of writing and analysis.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Enrollment in a full-time graduate program at a CIQSS member university;
  • Commitment to thesis writing during the semester in which the scholarship is awarded;
  • Have access to data for the completion of a master's thesis;

Award Amounts

  • A scholarship of $2000 payable in two installments. The first installment of $1000 upon approval of the application and a second installment of $1000 upon receipt of proof of thesis deposit.

Submission Procedure

To apply for one of the grants available through the CIQSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to include the following documents:

  • Proof of full-time enrollment at a CIQSS member university;
  • A letter from your thesis supervisor certifying that
    1. The student is primarily dedicated to thesis writing during the semester when the scholarship is granted;
    2. Access to data has been granted for the completion of a thesis.

** It is recommended to submit an application for an additional scholarship at the beginning of the last trimester of the master's program **

** The new conditions of the Complementary grants will be applicable as of February 14, 2024 **

The CRDCN Emerging Scholars Grant

The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage the use of data made available by the Canadian Research Data Centre Network, including at QICSS.


$1,000 grant for Ph.D. students who are undertaking thesis-related research in one of the RDCs or branches at universities across the country.

  • Applications received from December 1 to March 31: grants will be awarded by May 15. 
  • Applications received from April 1 to July 31: grants will be awarded by September 15. 
  • Applications received from August 1 to November 30: grants will be awarded by January 15.

For more details or to apply, please visit the CRDCN's website.