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Using CCHS Data Workshop - Atelier sur l'utilisation des données de l'ESCC (en anglais)


Vous êtes conviés à participer le 31 janvier 2018 à un atelier pratique de Statistique Canada (en anglais) sur l’ Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes (ESCC) / Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).

L’atelier aura lieu au CIQSS à Montréal. Vous pouvez vous inscrire par courriel (sans frais) en utilisant l’adresse suivante [email protected] (les places sont limitées à 15).

You are invited to attend the CCHS data user workshop (in English) on January 31st. The workshop will be held at QICSS in Montreal. you can register (free registration) by sending an email to Luc St-Pierre (space is limited to 15).

The workshop will feature a brief overview of the CCHS and redesign then move to hands-on analysis of health data. We will cover many topics, which are listed below, but the workshop is generally more basic than advanced in nature. A focus will be put on the practical exercises at the end of each topic using SAS and the 2014 CCHS dummy file.


Overview of the CCHS

What’s New to the Redesigned 2015 CCHS

General context of a statistical analysis

How to begin an analysis, precision vs. bias, sample size


Estimation of a statistic

Weights, point estimates


Handling missing data


Estimation of a statistic’s precision

Measures of variability

Release guidelines

Coefficients of variation and confidence intervals


BOOTVAR and SAS SURVEY procedures to estimate precision


Statistical Test of Differences

Z-tests for differences

BOOTVAR and SAS SURVEY procedures to test differences


More complex analysis (optional – if time permits)

Linear regression

Logistic regression

Using the software


End date