Scholarships and Awards


and Awards

We’re temporarily pausing our scholarship program until April 1, 2025 – stay tuned for upcoming news and future opportunities!

Since its creation, one of QICSS’s main missions has been to support the next generation of researchers. To this end, the QICSS fellowship program offers financial support to master’s and doctoral students using Statistics Canada or Institut de la statistique du Québec datasets in QICSS laboratories.

The program offers three categories of scholarships:

  1. Entraince Scholarships: These support research at QICSS leading to a Master’s or PhD degree.
  2. Complementary scholarships for intensive data analysis: These scholarships provide financial support at the end of the Master’s program to help students in the final stages of writing and analysis.
  3. Grants to support scientific production: These grants encourage students to disseminate their research results in the form of presentations at conferences or symposia, or by publishing articles in scientific journals.

These scholarships are available to students throughout the year, and applications can be submitted at any time. The total amount of the scholarships cannot exceed $4,000 for master’s students and $6,000 for doctoral students.

To apply for one of our scholarships, please complete the online application form.

  • Offer financial support as soon as data access is granted, to encourage the completion of a Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation.
Eligibility criteria
  • Enrollment in a full-time graduate or postgraduate program at a QICSS member university;
  • To have obtained access to data for a Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation.
Award amounts
  • Master’s student: $1,000
  • PhD student: $2,000

Awards are payable in a single installment once the contract has been signed by Statistics Canada or the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

Submission procedure

To apply for one of the scholarships available through the CIQSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of full-time registration at a QICSS member university;

  • A letter from the research supervisor certifying that access to the data has been granted for the purposes of a Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation.

* It is recommended that you apply for an entrance scholarship at the beginning of your graduate studies.

** The new entrance scholarship conditions apply from February 15, 2024.

  • Offer financial support to students for the presentation of their research results in the form of papers at conferences or symposia, or scientific articles.
Eligibility criteria
  • Enrollment in a full-time graduate or postgraduate program at a QICSS member university;
  • Must have had at least one publication, or have given at least one presentation, based on research findings stemming from a project conducted at the QICSS for a Master’s or PhD’s thesis.
Award amounts

Amounts vary according to the number and type of productions:

  • Article in a scientific journal (refereed): $700
  • Book chapter in a scientific publication: $700
  • Working document published as part of a series (working paper): $300
  • Oral presentation or poster given at a conference or scientific meeting (refereed): $300
  • Research report for a governmental or other organization: $500
Maximum amount
  • 2nd cycle: one bursary of up to $1,000;
  • 3rd cycle: up to two scholarships of up to $2,000 each.
Submission procedure

To apply for one of the scholarships available through the CIQSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of full-time registration at a QICSS member university for the semester in progress at the time of application;

  • A letter from the research supervisor certifying that access to the data has been granted for the purposes of a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation;

  • A list of all productions, with proof of acceptance for publication (letter from the publisher) or communication (conference program), if applicable.

* The new conditions for the support grant apply from June 28, 2024.

  • Offer financial support at the end of the Master’s program to help students in the final stages of writing and analysis.
Eligibility criteria
  • Enrollment in a full-time graduate program at a QICSS member university
  • Devote time to writing the dissertation during the quarter in which the grant is awarded
  • Have obtained access to data for a Master’s thesis
Award amounts
  • A $2,000 bursary payable in two installments. A first installment of $1,000 upon approval of the application and a second installment of $1,000 upon receipt of proof of submission.
Submission procedure

To apply for one of the scholarships available through the CIQSS scholarship program, please complete the online application form. Be sure to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of full-time registration at a QICSS member university;
  • A letter from the research supervisor certifying that:
    1. The student devotes most of his or her time to writing the dissertation during the term in which the grant is awarded;
    2. Access to the data was granted for the purpose of writing a Master’s thesis.

* It is recommended to submit a complementary scholarship application at the beginning of the last master’s semester.

** The new conditions for the complementary grant apply from February 14, 2024.

Deadline for applying: October 11, 2024

The prix Lise-Quesnel, an award in the amount of $1,000, recognizes the best scientific publications produced by students in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Université de Montréal, in particular but not exclusively, in the Departments of Sociology or Demography, and made possible through the use of microdata available at the QICSS.

Eligibility criteria and selection of recipients
  • Must be enrolled in a Master’s or PhD program in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Université de Montréal at the time the application is filed OR have recently obtained a degree in this field
  • First-author scientific research or publication on subjects that could have a positive impact on society. Enclose a letter explaining how the research could have such benefits.
  • Must have used microdata available at the QICSS in producing the publications or the work submitted for evaluation with the application portfolio
  • Must have an excellent academic record with an overall average of 3.3 out of 4.3 (or equivalent)

Nominations can be submitted for consecutive years. However, the prize can only be awarded once to the same person.

Supporting documents accepted
  • Article published or submitted for peer review to a scientific journal (include a confirmation from the editorial board)
  • Article submitted for, or recently presented at, a conference (include a summary and the PowerPoint presentation)
  • Thesis or dissertation (version presented in initial thesis submission)
  • Working papers
Submitting an application

The application portfolio must include:

  • Proof of enrollment for the fall semester or proof of graduation;
  • Proof of graduation;
  • A letter describing the potential positive impacts for society;
  • QICSS project number;
  • A supporting document as described above (URL or attachment);
  • A recent student transcript.

Please submit your application by email to

This grant is awarded by the Canadian Research Data Centre Network, and aims to encourage the use of data made available by the CRDCN, including those available at the QICSS.

For more information, and to apply, see the CRDCN’s website