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Reproductibilité en sciences sociales : contexte, préoccupations et mesures concrètes

 Le CIQSS vous invite à un atelier sur la reproductibilité en sciences sociales par Lars Vilhuber, les 1er et 2 octobre 2019, au CIQSS de l'Université de Montréal. Cet atelier abordera la question des dispositions qui sont mises en œuvre dans le domaine des sciences sociales pour améliorer la reproductibilité. La seconde partie de l'atelier offrira un exercice pratique aux participants sur la manière de mettre en place, de développer et de « publier » un projet de recherche reproductible. L'atelier est gratuit, mais l'inscription est obligatoire. Hâtez vous, les places sont limitées !


August 8, 2019, 10:39 AM

Congratulations to the winners of the CRDCN National Policy Challenge

Congratulations to Rafael Silva Ramirez and Dominic Gagnon, researchers at the QICSS of the Université de Montréal, who won the second and third prize respectively at the CRDCN National Policy Challenge.The member jury was impressed by the high quality of their presentations on the disability-adjusted life expectancy of Aboriginal Canadians.

June 14, 2019, 08:12 AM

Lancement de la base de données du Recensement du Québec de 1831

Le programme de recherche en démographie historique (PRHD) de l'Université de Montréal vous invite au lancement de la base de microdonnées du Recensement du Québec de 1831 qui aura lieu le mardi 14 mai prochain au Carrefour des arts et des sciences (Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, 3150 rue Jean-Brillant, Université de Montréal). L'événement débutera dès 15h00 au local C-2059.  Une réception suivra au C-2081.  

Pour réservation et renseignements, contactez Marilyn Amorevieta-Gentil.

April 24, 2019, 11:16 AM

Montréal – A Data Story on Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion in Canada

Statistics Canada invite you to a half-day events on Ethnocultural Diversity and Inclusion in Canada on April 11th, 2019 from 1pm to 4pm at Montréal. Will feature a keynote presentation by Anil Arora, Chief Statistician of Canada, an expert panel discussion and question period will follow immediately after the presentation.

For more information and registration

March 28, 2019, 04:33 PM

New developments on mediation theory

The Société statistique de Montréal invites you to attend a conference by Professor Rex B. Kline, department of Psychology, Concordia University, Friday, March 16th, 1 :30 to 3 :30, at pavillon Marie-Victorin de l’Université de Montréal, salle A-544 J.

Mediation analysis is popular, but many, if not most, mediation studies are based on inadequate designs or analysis strategies. Described in this presentation are requirements and analytical methods for a more scientifically rigorous approach to mediation analysis. Topics include proper research designs for establishing mediation, a reduced role for significance testing, and the need for better awareness by researchers of all this is assumed in mediation studies. The method of Causal Mediation Analysis, which estimates mediation under more realistic assumptions, is introduced. The CMA method is well known in epidemiology, but social scientists could also benefit from this approach.

February 28, 2018, 11:58 AM

Atelier de formation et sondage Écosanté-Unité de Soutien SRAP du Québec

Atelier de formation en évaluation économique en santé. Les membres et collaborateurs de la composante Recherche sur les systèmes de santé et services sociaux, l’application des connaissances et la mise en œuvre de l’Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec vous invitent à participer à une journée de formation en évaluation économique dans un contexte de recherche axée sur le patient.

Date: 27 mars, Université Laval.

Pour en savoir plus: Publicité Écosanté et Invitation à la formation.

January 30, 2018, 05:07 PM

Information session to provide detailed information on the Medium Term Indicators Performance Indicators database of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)

Medium Term Indicators (MTI) Performance Indicator database includes masked data on 100 percent of individuals who participated in the major labour market programs including: Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDAs), Youth Employment Strategy, Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements (AHRDAs), Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnerships (ASEP)) and Indigenous Skills and Employment Strategy (ISET – previously ASETS) from 1996 to the most recent available (2016). MTI database include also information on 20 to 100 percent of individuals who received Regular EI benefits, but had no participation under the LMDAs from 1996 to the most recent year for which data is available (2016) which constitute a potential pools of control group.

The files containing masked data on participants and non-participants are linked to Employment Insurance (EI) administrative data files such as Status Vector (SV) to include detailed data on claim experience and Record of Employment (ROE) data on job separation. It also includes Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) data on earnings and receipt of social assistance (SA) from 1990 to the most recent year available (2015).

The information session will be organized 24 January, 2018 to provide detailed information on the MTI Performance Indicators database and discuss its potential for research/evaluation in the area of labour market programming. The objective of the information session is to provide researchers with sufficient information on the potential of the MTI Performance Indicators database before drafting and submitting their proposals.

Date: January 24, 2018

Time: From 12:30 to 4:30 pm (Gatineau Time)

WebEx link: Meeting ID: 557 722 027

Toll Free Dial In Number (Canada/U.S.) : 1 877-413-4790; Conference ID : 9433645 rd

In person: Location: Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 3 Floor, Gatineau, Québec, Room 3-1

January 15, 2018, 11:42 AM

Settlement patterns and social integration in the Montreal CMA (NHS 2011 data)

Statistics Canada is pleased to invite you to a free presentation on immigration trends in Montréal online or in person. 

During this session, René Houle, Senior Analyst from the Social and Aboriginal Statistics Division, will focus on settlement patterns and social integration of the population with an immigrant background in Montréal.

The presentation will focus on three components:

  1. Geographic origin (countries of birth) of the immigrant population since 1881;
  2. Destination of immigrants in Canada across provinces and urban areas;
  3. Distribution of immigration within the census metropolitan area of Montréal at the level of its municipalities and neighbourhoods, as well as its effect on social integration.

To register, see details below: 


Monday, October 2, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, (in French)
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, (in English)

Where:  200 René-Lévesque Blvd W, Montréal, QC H2Z 1X4

Cost: Free

Format:  During this in-person session, you will have the opportunity to meet the presenter and ask questions. You will also have an opportunity to meet with our Consulting Analyst team, who can answer questions about other Statistics Canada surveys and data sources. 

As spaces are limited, please register by email no later than September 22 at the following address:

We look forward to meeting you!


Monday, October 2, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, (in French)
Tuesday October 3, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, (in English)

Cost: Free

Format:  This webinar session will include a PowerPoint presentation. Due to the high number of participants, there will be no question and answer period after the webinar.

To register for the French webinar on October 2, click HERE.

To register for the English webinar on October 3, click HERE.

Please note: Advanced registration is required.

Important: When registering, please verify that your email address is correct as the system generates an automatic acceptance email.

Once we approve your request, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the session.

Joining the meeting is simple, from work or from home. All you need is a computer connected to the Internet and a phone line.

*Note 1: Once on the registration page, the language that is displayed can be modified using the options in the top right corner of the page. These language modifications can also be saved.

*Note 2: Registrations cannot be made using a smartphone.

We look forward to meeting you online! 

This session is offered by the Statistical Information Service. Some of the services we offer include:

  • Assisting data users with simple and complex data requests;
  • Offering standard and customized workshops for data users of different levels of expertise;
  • Engaging in outreach activities through webinars, newsletters and presentations.
September 14, 2017, 02:55 PM