Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

The university research community, including teaching staff, the student population, postdoctoral fellows and research personnel, as well as governments, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations and enterprises, may request access to Statistics Canada microdata in our laboratories.

The QICSS hosts a vast array of survey and administrative data, integrated, depersonalized and unaggregated, for research purposes. For a list of Statistics Canada microdata available in our laboratories, click here.

The Statistics Act requires that access to depersonalized microdata be reserved to Statistics Canada personnel, to individuals who are deemed employees by Statistics Canada or to contract employees of the organization. To obtain such access, an individual must sign a contract that designates them as a Deemed Employee of Statistics Canada, and which commits them to not divulging any information that would allow data to be associated with a specific person. This procedure guarantees to those who respond to Statistics Canada surveys that their information will remain confidential and will be used solely for legitimate research purposes.

Anyone interested in accessing Statistics Canada microdata in our laboratories must submit a research proposal via the Microdata Access Portal (MAP) and undergo a security check to obtain the title of deemed Statistics Canada employee. The procedure to be followed may vary according to the different categories of users.

To view the complete procedure involved in accessing Statistics Canada data, click here.

If you have any questions about using Statistics Canada’s Microdata Access Portal, please consult their frequently asked questions. You can also contact the Microdata Access Division team at the following e-mail address:

For all questions relating to the security screening required by Statistics Canada, please see their Frequently Asked Questions.

Some projects may incur service fees in accordance with the CRDCN Access and Fee Policy. For example, the participation of academic consultants under government or third-party contract may generate fees, as may research conducted by unaffiliated academics, government agencies or the private sector. Fees vary according to the type of user and the level of access required. Consult the CRDCN Access and Service Fees Policy (ASFRP ) for more information.

The QICSS has five laboratories, located respectively at Université de Montréal, McGill University, UQAM, Université de Sherbrooke and Université Laval. To see the contact information for the laboratories, and a listing of the personnel working there, please go to the following page

For administrative needs relating to files, one laboratory must be designated as a primary research centre. However, a researcher may work in a simultaneous fashion in more than one laboratory. If necessary, you can make a request on this point to the analyst assigned to your project.

In the near future, several data sets will also be accessible remotely via the Virtual Research Data Center (vRDC). For more information, click here.

Yes, the list of datasets on the CRDCN site refers to Statistics Canada datasets currently being used in our laboratories. In principle, all detailed survey, administrative and related data from Statistics Canada can be used in our laboratories. Do not hesitate to inquire about the availability of data even if they are not listed.

Yes, with certain conditions. To find out more, use this link.

  • ArcGIS
  • ADePT
  • aML
  • HLM
  • MikTex
  • MLwiN
  • MS Office
  • Mplus
  • Python
  • R
  • R Studio
  • SAS
  • SPSS
  • Stat/Transfer
  • Visual Studio

Yes. If you need other software, you can submit a request to the Statistics Canada analyst responsible for your project.

Workstations in our laboratories are equipped with quad-core or 8-core processors, 16GB or 64GB of RAM, and SSDs. Each station is equipped with two 22-inch LCD panoramic monitors. As well, our Université de Montréal and McGill-Concordia laboratories offer researchers workspaces and spaces designed for relaxation near the labs.

For any modification or request related to your project, please contact your Statistics Canada analyst. This includes the addition or removal of team members, the addition of databases, a transfer to another RDC, as well as any request for an extension on analyses that are not yet finished.

The QICSS’s Scholarship Program provides financial support for Master’s and PhD students. For more information and to apply, click here.

All publications and oral presentations of findings obtained through analyses conducted at the QICSS must mention the granting agencies that fund the QICSS and the CRDCN.You will find the appropriate language here.